Crochet Creations

This week was the first time the weather started to feel like fall to me. I am so excited for all the things that come with the changing weather. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I am ready for all things pumpkin and Halloween. Along with this comes the cliche “sweater weather," which is the best ever. 

To get a head start, I decided to start making some crochet items this week. This way I will be ready for the chilly weather. I didn’t make as many things as I would’ve liked this summer because I was occupied with other things. 

Crochet is a hobby I picked up at the beginning of the pandemic. It is very time consuming, so crochet helped fill a lot of the time I spent bored in quarantine. At first, it took me forever to make small things like a hat or coin purse. With time I have grown and moved on to larger projects. I learned how to crochet from YouTube videos and TikToks. I also follow a lot of creators on Pinterest and Instagram to get inspiration. 

I love to make things for people as gifts especially. I know I love thoughtful gifts, so I love to do it for others! I make quite a lot of stuff for myself as well. Clothing items tend to be tedious, so I don’t make as many of them. I enjoy crocheting bags the most. I’m trying to widen my horizons this season and make more hats, scarves, etc. This way I’ll be ready for the Northern tundra this winter! 


  1. That’s so a nice hobby! I’m not good at making crochet but my mom is very good at it so she often gives me some crochet items as a gift. I tried some times but I couldn’t do it well so I really respect you. I hope you enjoy making crochet this winter!

  2. Crocheting is such a neat hobby, it is great for keeping you busy and is the perfect gift to make someone smile. Although I didn't pick up a new hobby during the pandemic, I was able to hone in on what was most important to me. In that time I discovered my passion for eating healthy and fitness which I have also continued practicing even though we are back to "normal life."

  3. I used to crochet with my grandparents growing up, so I think it's neat that you do this. I think sweater weather is the best type of weather, and the song is great too.

  4. I have never crocheted before but I think it's so cool that you can use a hobby like it to make different items for yourself and others. Ill make sure to come to you if my neck starts to get cold this fall.


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